Donation update from Tricia Sullivan...
Want you to know that we as RCOMH have donated winter coats, jackets, hats, gloves, scarfs, crayons, coloring books, and children's books to the Lynn Homeless Shelter. The shelter's office has changed to Beverly. The donations have gone to the shelter home on Green St. Lynn.
Upcoming donation possibility...
Salem State University will once again be collecting gently used professional style men's and women's clothing in all sizes. If your January plans include going through your closet, please consider setting aside your "to donate" items for this project. Thank you!
We are again offering Rotary Leadership Institute courses in our District 7930 so invite you to register early...
When: Tuesday 2/28 and Thursday 3/2; online via Zoom from 6:00 - 9:00 PM
How: Register at:
Cost: $25 for both sessions, not each (Both nights must be attended for credit)
Parts I, II, III and Graduate will be offered. If you have already taken Part I, please sign up for Part II. If you have already taken I and II, please sign up for III. And if you have taken I, II, and III, then the Graduate course is for you! Graduate course content changes every year, so if you have already taken a Graduate course before, you can still sign up and take another Graduate course.
If you don't already have a log-in for RLI, use the GUEST registration button and type in the Notes section that you are signing up for a particular part other than I.
Again, registration and curriculum can be found at Sessions will be led by experienced facilitators using a non-lecture, question/discussion format.
Questions? Email
Special note to RCoMH members...
Our Club will reimburse the $25 registration fee for any club member who is taking Part I. It will never be less expensive for you and the 2-day Zoom format makes it extra convenient. Please take advantage of this club offer. That's how much our club believes in you and believes in the value of this training.
From Jessica: I have gone through the entire course, and this will be my third time taking the Graduate session. I always learn something. Please do plan to attend, especially if you still feel you don't know as much as you wish you did about Rotary.
From the District 7930 DEI Committee
The DEI Committee is hosting a DEI Discussion Series on Bias on January 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions or want to register, please call or email me.
David Hart, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair 22-23, 781-718-7799 or
Please see the photo below that goes with this special note from Una of Friends memory of Cyndi Kilbarger...
My name is Úna Hendron and I think we met a few months ago at Cyndi Kilbarger’s celebration of life. I just wanted to thank you so much again for having me as someone from FFI along with Amelia and Marshall. It truly wowed me to hear just how much Friends Forever meant to Cyndi.
Although this comes much too late I promised to send any photos I could find of myself and Cyndi and I have attached this to this email. I will never forget Cyndi’s warmth and kindness any time I was lucky enough to see her, I remember in 2019 2 years after having my ‘Marblehead day’ (which I and FFI will always refer to as Cyndi day!) I came to speak at your rotary club, wondering if anyone would remember me and as soon as I walk through the door I hear “ÚNA!” And Cyndi gave me a massive hug. It is that warmth I will never forget and I, and all the FFI staff will make sure the participants will never forget either.
P.S. If there is any way I can help with future Cyndi days let me know.
And thank you to Becky Linhart for continuing our special relationship with Friends Forever! Here is a link to the Friends Forever website: